About Us위치로그인
Trang Phan

Trang Phan

Aug 2018 이후 회원
시간당 US$16.75

확인 된 정보

이메일 주소
전화 번호
주민 번호
페이스 북

함께 방문 할 수있는 장소

하노이, 베트남
박닌, 베트남

우리가 말할 수있는 언어

Tiếng Việt

안녕! 만나서 반갑습니다

If traveling is like a buffet, let me help you choose the most unique and authentic ! I am a freelance artist and designer who is more than happy to bring out the hidden cultural & artistic sides of my capital city to travelers. From the nostalgic atmosphere of traditional architecture to vivacious rhythm of the young city and fresh breath of nature, I am willing to accompany you from sunrise to sunset and inspire you with various conversations. If you want to feel the vital soul of a land, to know more than what meet the eyes and discover it in a way like never before, then I am yours.

A freelance artist, art writer & poet currently living & working in Hanoi, Vietnam. Being a serious yet funny, hard-working, creative & communicative person who holds deep passion for food, art & history, I am more than happy to help you discover the hidden cultural & artistic sides of my capital city. From the nostalgic armosphere of traditional architecture to vibrant rhythm of a young city and fresh breath of nature, I am willing to be your guide - your companion and inspire you with various conversations. If you want to feel the vital soul of a land, and get to know more than what meets the eyes, then here I am.


음식 및 음료
레저 경험


나이트 라이프
야외 활동
실내 활동

확인 된 정보

이메일 주소
전화 번호
주민 번호
페이스 북

함께 방문 할 수있는 장소

하노이, 베트남
박닌, 베트남

우리가 말할 수있는 언어

Tiếng Việt

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